
Not Too Late to Prune Pomegranate!

Pomegranates will give you bigger and better fruit if you prune. The question is, HOW? I have worked with pomegranates in several countries now and I will try to explain some basics to help get you started. Pomegranates are easier to manage and produce better fruit if they are pruned. Single-trunked pomegranates can also be created. Pick three to five large stems or “trunks” to remain. Remove the others. Pomegrantes are wicked to prune. I always leave pretty bloody with some pretty nasty scratches everywhere. So be prepared as best as you can. Makes you wonder who won! In most cases, pomegranates are easier to manage and produce better fruit if they are pruned so that 1 to 5 major trunks remain. They seldom perform well or easy to manage if you let them grow as a “bush”. If you have been to my demonstrations…start at the BOTTOM of the tree and move upward when pruning. Start pruning on your knees. Remove all but the largest and most vigorous trunks. Remove the rest. Do not leave stubs as it was done here. They will just create suckers or die back. Pull the mulch or soil away from the trunk and make the cuts as close to the main trunks as possible. Use sharp, adjusted and sanitized tools.You do not need to use pruning paint after the cut. Let the cuts heal for a couple of weeks and replace the soil or mulch. Remove any side branches from the trunk that will touch the ground when they are pulled down like they might if they produced fruit. Fruit should not be allowed to touch the ground. Multi-trunked trees should have their side growth removed if those side shoots might allow fruit to touch the ground. You are now standing and using a loppers. Remove any crossed branches or branches that are broken. If shoots are growing on top of one another or immediately next to each other, remove one. Fruit will be produced on spring growth so we say it produces fruit on “current season” wood. Flowers are produced on new growth that’s why they flower later than many other fruit trees. The new growth must first be produced and then flowers will form on it. The best fruit is produced on this new growth that comes from larger branches. These flowers originate from exactly the same place on this new growth. If they both set fruit, one will be removed when it is small to allow for the other to get larger. This is one of the few times the fruit is “thinned”, otherwise we don’t thin the fruit. The best fruit is colorful, free from scratches and free from sunburn. The best fruit will be protected from direct intense sunlight, hangs so that it doesn’t get scratched by neighboring branches. Lowering the height of pomegranate. Pomegranate height can be lowered and kept small if you want it that way. Pomegranate grows like a fountain. Young erect stems produce fruit. The fruit weighs the branch down and causes it to bend toward the ground. The bent branch is stimulated to grow new shoots along its bent side toward the sun. This creates growth that resembles a “fountain”. This continues until woody growth of the plant supports itself and produces fruit in a tangled mess of branches and thorny wood. Once the tree reaches the height you want, remove “suckers” growing straight up at their source. It is easiest to do when this growth is young and immature when it can be “pulled” from older wood rather than cutting it out.

Not Too Late to Prune Pomegranate! Read More »

Suckering of Citrus Due to Cold Damage

Q. The low temperatures affected our citrus trees from last year.  Most of my new growth is on the suckers.  Should I remove them?  Or just let the tree be? A. If you look at the trunk of the tree you should see a bend in the trunk or “dogleg” where the top was budded or grafted on to the rootstock. I doubt if it is on its own roots which would mean you would see no bend or dogleg. Example of a “dogleg” where a fruit tree (in this case not citrus) was budded previously.             Anything coming from or below this bend should be removed and kept off. Whenever you see any type of growth at all from these spots it should be removed. If you let this growth develop it will rob growth from the part of the tree you want to keep and eventually dwarf or kill the good part of the tree.             Next you want to allow the lowest branches to develop from the trunk at a height you want these branches to remain. The distance these lowest branches are now will be the height they will be in ten years from now. I did not have a pic from the reader and this is not citrus but this will give you an idea of what suckers that are coming from the rootstock might look like. The suckers are dark brown. The trunk is whitish due to painting the trunk two years prior. These suckers need to be removed by digging the soil away from the trunk and removing them as close to the trunk as possible. Replace the soil after the wound from cutting has begun healing, normally at least 48 hours.             If these are too low then move up the trunk to a place where you want the lowest limbs to develop. Remove any of these unwanted lower limbs completely from the trunk by cutting them as close to the trunk as possible.             You can do this now if you want or you can wait until next January or February if there is fruit on them. I am not sure which citrus you have but if it is lemon they should probably be harvested in December.             Try to find limbs to keep which are coming from the trunk going in different directions. Hopefully you will find one limb going north, one south, one east and one west (I think you get what I mean by going in different directions as this will give the tree “balance” and reduce shading of itself).             On the limbs coming from the trunk, remove shoots going straight up or straight down. This leaves shoots that spread out in a fan (horizontally or laterally) but remove shoots that are growing up or down. This allows for better light penetration inside the tree and helps distribute fruit production throughout the canopy rather than just on the perimeter. I hope this helps.

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Pomegranate: Tree or Bush?

Q. I have a pomegranate plant that I started two years ago.  It is about four feet tall now and looks like it wants to be a bush.  Can I trim all the little branches off except the biggest one and try to make it a tree? Red Silk pomegranate second year after planting at the UNCE Orchard. Suckers can be removed and trained to a tree form. A. Pomegranates can be trained as a bush, which they normally want to be anyway, or they can be trained into single or multiple trunked trees. I prefer them as a multitrunked tree myself.             I usually pick three to five of the largest stems coming from the ground and remove the rest below ground level. Each winter I remove any new sucker growth from the base and just retain these three to five oldest stems. Fifteen year old pomegranate trained to multi trunk tree form and kept at 7 ft (2.5m) height. Fruits produced are fewer but larger and more marketable.             It is important to remove these suckers below ground level. Do not just simply cut the suckers off at soil level. Pull soil away from the suckers and remove them from the mother plant. This should not be more than a few inches below the soil level.             Suckers can be removed anytime of the year but removal during the winter months is most common. If you continue to remove suckers for the next five years they will stop producing suckers or the number of suckers will decrease significantly over this time.  The multi-trunk tree will have little to no sucker removal and you can just prune the tops each winter.             If you do not remove these suckers at least annually then you will have sucker development for many more years to come.

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