
Saving Water Through Landscape Design

           Designing a landscape for only energy conservation (an example is lowering the cost of running the air conditioner) is quite simple. All you must do is ask yourself, “Which sides of the home are the hottest?” Create shade on the walls and windows close to the house for these hot sides. Try not using plants when you do this. Use them if you must. Creating shade that doesn’t use water requires more “brainwork” but may be necessary in the desert. Usually, the hottest areas are the exposed South and West walls and windows of a home. If you don’t know which sides are hot, use a “temperature gun” (infrared laser for measuring temperature) during the hottest times of the day. You can buy an inexpensive but accurate gun for less than $25. The hottest areas are typically handled by shading the walls and windows on these hot sides rather than shading the roof. Roofs are usually better insulated than the walls and, in particular, windows. Selecting plants to save summer electrical cost is quite simple since shading the south and west walls and windows is most important. Select plants that are “winter deciduous” so that the sun warms the house during the winter months. If water is plentiful, how much water these plants use is not important. To lower electrical costs, regardless of water, always shade the hot walls and windows of a home. Irrigation design is important. I can’t stress the importance of using “hydrozones”. Hydrozoning is when the valves control when to water plants. Xeric (desert) versus mesic (nondesert) plant water use relies on how frequently each are watered. Use mesic plants when water is provided to them at the same time. How deep plants are watered is adjustable by adding or subtracting drips. How frequently they are watered is not.  Xeric plants are not watered as often as mesic plants if you want to conserve water. This means plants are matched to a specific irrigation valve; xeric plants are put on one valve and mesic plants are put on a separate valve. This means you must know the difference between xeric (desert) and mesic (nondesert) plants. Xeric or desert plants will grow more rapidly than mesic, or non-desert plants, if they are watered like mesic plants. That’s just they way they are. Xeric plants are more “adjustable” in their growth if they are all watered at the same time, and you can adjust the frequency of watering. When mesic and xeric plants are placed on the same valve, mesic plants will signal you to water and not the other way around. When water is scarce, xeric plants (desert plants) tolerate dry soil better than mesic plants. They have capabilities of saving water through many different traits including leaf drop, changes in leaf and plant size, as well as changes to the plant at the genetic/molecular level. Xeric plants handle water shortages more efficiently than mesic plants. Being from the desert, xeric plants have evolved to soil drought. Water xeric plants less often. This means watering them with a separate irrigation valve (hydrozones). Because of this, xeric plants can get by (and often benefit) when watered less frequently than mesic plants. For instance, foothills (not Blue or ‘Desert Museum’) palo verde (Parkinsonia microphylla or Cercidium microphyllum, depending on the source of its scientific name) is a true xeric, desert, or low water use plant. It grows in flat, dry areas throughout the Sonoran Desert of the American southwest. It can survive in dry soil for long periods of time. They can’t survive without any water, but they will require watering, deeply, less often. When water is limited, xeric plant growth first begins to slow or stop. That can be hard to see. Controlling their size, controls their water use. If dry soils continue, xeric plants start dropping their leaves. That is easier to see. Fewer leaves mean there are fewer leaves present to lose water. The canopy begins “thinning out.” It’s time to water! If the soil continues to remain dry, then remaining leaves begin scorching and branches begin dying. Plants are starting to look bad. In the case of cacti, their stems may begin to shrivel. You don’t want limb dieback, or cactus shriveling, in a landscape. That’s not pretty. On the flipside, they may not look the best when that dry spell is over, but at least they have survived! In a landscape, deeply watering these plants once every 4 to 8 weeks is usually enough. Observing xeric plants regularly (once a week in the summer) will tell you if it’s time to water or hold off. Branch dieback in palo verde and other trees (mostly mesic) can be confused with the palo verde root borer. Occasionally a single, isolated branch will begin dying back to the trunk during the summer if these insects have been feeding on the roots. In cases like these, a systemic insecticide for borers might be the only solution available. As with other plants, apply this insecticide only after flowering to avoid the risk of hurting pollinators like honeybees. How much water is applied is controlled by the size of the emitters (two-, three-, four-, or 5-gallon drip emitters) or a moat surrounding trees and shrubs. For 10- to 12-foot-tall trees, flat moats about 6 feet in diameter, and 2 to 3 inches tall, will work. Figure that in most level soils, 1 inch of water will wet roots about 15 to 18 inches deep. My experience tells me that at least half the area under the tree’s canopy should receive this water. Once the roots of a tree are watered deeply enough, the only changes that need to be made to an irrigation timer are seasonal. If you try grow deep-rooted, xeric (desert) trees in a fescue lawn (called a mixed landscape which I don’t recommend), the tree frequently dies, or “wiggles” in the soil. This is because it is watered every day the

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Changing from Lawn to Desert Landscape

Q. After 6 years of trying to have a beautiful lawn in Las Vegas, I finally give up. The water company has offered me $3/foot to convert to water smart landscaping. What should I do? Do I add more rocks and plants? Artificial turf? What trees should I use, if any? A. If you do nothing else after removing the lawn, plant some trees or large shrubs that shade to the West and South exterior walls and windows of your home. This will help reduce air conditioning costs during the summer. These plants should be deciduous, in other words drop their leaves for the winter. Shade South and West Walls             Select trees that grow to about the same height as your home. Avoid trees that grow huge. They use more water and don’t really provide any extra savings in air-conditioning costs. A two-story house can handle bigger trees so in your case these should be deciduous trees so they drop their leaves in the winter and allows sunlight to warm the house. I will get back to you with some recommendations on some plants. Sometimes just a vine on a trellis is enough to shade a wall or entrance from the hot sun. Choose Desert Trees I would steer you towards trees that are adapted to desert environments, in other words, “desert trees”.Regardless of the trees you select, plant them a distance from your home no closer than half of their mature height. Plant them no closer together than this either. Dig the holes for the trees at least 3 times the width of their container and no deeper. Smaller trees establish more quickly and grow more rapidly in the beginning than larger trees. Irrigate the soil around plant roots no closer than 3 foot away from the foundation of the home. Many desert trees have excellent form and good looks like this Mesquite in this desert landscape. Fake Grass Has Pluses and Minuses             Personally, I don’t care for artificial grass unless it’s used for a specific purpose other than just covering the ground. It gets terribly hot during the summer if it’s in the sun and requires upkeep. If you go in that direction, start asking some questions because it is not maintenance-free. I wouldn’t use artificial turf unless you have a reason to put it in. Aesthetics, or just looking at it, is not a good reason to install it. It’s in the sunlight it gets exceedingly hot during the months of about April through September. It starts cooling down sometime in mid-to-late October for the fall months. If the air temperature is about 105° F, and the sun is shining directly on it, the surface temperature of your artificial grass will be about 165° F. I know because I’ve measured it. Some artificial lawns look very realistic but they will be also more expensive. Suggestions Start appreciating open spaces. That’s what concerns water deserts is open areas. Don’t fill the entire landscape area with plants. Learn to appreciate what is called “negative space”. Shade the walls and windows of your home on the south and west sides. With a two-story home this requires trees 25 to 40 feet tall. Don’t plant anything closer to the house than 3 feet from it. Apply the irrigation on the side of the plants away from the house or any cement surface such as patios, driveways, sidewalks, etc. Think of your landscape plants in multiple layers; the tall ones, the medium-sized once, small ones and groundcovers and vines. Odd numbers of plants are usually more appealing to the eye than even numbers up to about 7 plants. Above that number, the eye doesn’t seem to notice the difference. Repeat plants through your landscape to provide some continuity and rhythm. There is no need for every plant to be different from each other. Repetition or repeating plants is a good thing and landscape design.

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Fruit Trees to Provide Shade for the House

Q. I want to replace my acacia-like tree because it does not lose its leaves during winter and thus persists in shading our house from the sun at a time we actually need the solar heat. I want a deciduous peach, apricot, plum or apple tree which would be a fast-grower, provide shade during summer, give little shade during winter, and bear some flowers and some good fruits on the side. A. If you want some shade on your home to help reduce cooling costs in the summer you should focus on shading the South and West facing walls of your home. Since the walls typically have less insulation in them, they are the worst offenders for heat gain in the summer.             It is not as important to shade the roof as it is to shade the west and south walls. If you do focus on the walls, then some of the smaller fruit trees such as peach, apricot and plum and semi-dwarf apple will work just fine. All of these fruit trees are deciduous so they will not create shade from December through February or March.             I would recommend planting them about 5 to 7 feet from the wall and that far apart so that you can work all sides of the trees. Another possibility is to trellis them along the wall to create shade. The trellis should be a stand-alone trellis, not attached to the wall. You can also achieve the same thing by putting an arbor on that side of the house and using grapes to shade the walls from the overhead sun.             My recommended varieties can be found on my blog which is called Xtremehorticulture of the Desert and can be found at http://xtremehorticulture.blogspot.com

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