
Slime Mold Found After or During the Rain

Q. About 2 weeks ago I noticed a strange growth at the base of several different plants. The largest was about 4″x6″ and shaped like a smooth, white, used bar of soap; slightly moist and slippery on the outside and like a semi-hard cheese on the inside. It seemed like it was attached to the soil but was also around the stems and branches that came out of the ground.  It broke into slightly smaller pieces as I worked it out of the soil. What is it and what do I do to remove it? Reader didn’t send a picture. This is slime mold in Las Vegas after a rain. Rain will contribute to their growth when there is a lot of rain. Slime molds are a type of mushroom or fungus. They can come in lots of different colors and forms. A. Without a picture it is difficult to tell but it sounds like it is “slime mold.”  Search it out.  Slime Mold Slime mold is a type of fungus, or mushroom, which does not cause problems for plants. It is what is called a “saprophyte” and feeds on moist or wet dead wood or woody debris. It feeds on the rotting wood below the surface of wet soil. We see that a lot in soils covered in wood chips, or woody compost used for enriching the soil, buried rotting wood in the soil and even dead or dying roots. It is a plant that is a “decomposer.” Use a shovel and pick it up and put it in the garbage so the dog or kids don’t get into it. No other treatment is necessary. One person reported a rash from it so be careful in case you are in this minority.

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Puffballs and Other Mushrooms Comon to Desert Landscapes

Q. These odd things grow in my back yard from time to time and I was wondering what they are. Do you know? A. Try looking at this page on my blog.  Puffballs  I think they look like one of the puffballs that sits below ground. Fleshy, but they open up and look kind of disgusting. If this is it (hard to tell from the pic) then this should explain most of what you want to know. There is a rather complicated discussion about these living things online at several locations. Here is one by the self proclaimed “mushroom expert”. Puffballs from the expert Mushrooms growing in the wood mulch at the orchard after a rain. They are working on breaking down the wood mulch and recycling nutrients into the soil They are a mushroom and of course, like all mushrooms, feed off of dead, decaying organic matter rotting underground or on the soil surface. They are a fungal organism, a good one, most in the mushroom category called basidiomycete. They are decomposers, one of a many of different types of decomposers that aid in breaking down complicated, formerly living things, into much simpler components. They aid in enriching the soil in this process.    Underground mushroom, most likely a type of puffball called a peziza The spores or “seeds” of the mushroom begin growing with the right environment and food source. This includes enough moisture for growth and survival. In the desert the growth of these organisms frequently coincide with rain and warmer weather or some sort of irrigation presence. Germination of the spore leads to the spread of microscopic “webbing” or mycelium that acts much the same way that higher plants use roots, rhizomes and stolons. As this fungal organism matures most will develop some way to propagate itself in a way that is much more efficient over longer distances than developing the “webbing”.  Mushroom sexual stage, the one we recognize and draws our attention They develop a “sexual” stage (usually some sort of fleshy organ that can be somewhat similar in appearance to the mushrooms we buy in the store). These can appear to be like round balls growing on the surface of the soil (puffballs) or round balls below the surface. Each type has its own characteristic form or shape that helps us categorize them. Some mushrooms don’t have a form we can easily recognize but the sexual stage is what draws our attention like this slime mold that I get questions about every year. Again, usually after a rain during cooler weather. Slime mold, looks like “vomit” but can be easily destroyed with a rake and a stream of water I have had reports that dogs will eat these, usually resulting in the dog throwing up and having a sore tummy for awhile but seldom serious. Check with your veterinarian.

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This Thing in My Lawn and Dwarf Fig

Q. This thing is throughout my lawn and I don’t know what it is. Can you tell by the picture? I also want a dwarf fig and the local nurseries do not carry them. I looked on the web and found several and wondering what one you might recommend. A. The lawn grass picture is not something that I recognize immediately. The first two things that come to mind are the mushrooms that pop up in lawns after some rains and during the cool times of the year and earthworms surfacing and pushing up soil.             It is hard to see it from the picture but the mushrooms make the most sense. These do not look like typical mushrooms since they don’t have the caps that normal mushrooms have and so homeowners immediate response is to say no it’s not a mushroom.             These mushrooms come from decaying organic material in the soil like woody soil amendments were buried or even dying roots from trees and shrubs. Sometimes they look like vomit (sorry for being coarse) on the lawn or wood mulch. They will disappear with the heat and as they exhaust the supply of wood in the soil.             If it is the mushroom then just destroy the mushrooms with a rake turned upside down. If it is earthworms, jump up and down for joy (not on the lawn) and punch some more holes in the lawn with an aerator. I don’t think I was much help on this one.             Blackjack fig is a good one and stays somewhat small and I see it in most nurseries.

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