
Selecting Trees to Reduce the Electric Bill

Q. I just stumbled by your blog and it is very informative! I am trying to get my front and backyard landscaped, and I live in the southwest area of Las Vegas. I want to add a tree in my front yard to provide shade as well as a privacy screen, since our backyard wall is pretty low. I would prefer to get a tree that doesn’t litter so much, since I live in a community that has HoA, however I’ve read that deciduous trees would be best since it will help with cooling during summer and heating my home during winter. My front yard faces west, and it has a space of 17 feet across, so a medium size tree would be ideal. So, I’m not so sure what to choose, given all this information! A. You want to shade the wall or walls of the home, not the roof. Size depends on the height of the home. Single story homes should have trees that are below 20ft or so. At 17 ft you could get two trees on that side if they are smaller trees. Shading the West and South walls is important for energy conservation and comfort. Plant them a distance of half their mature height from the wall. You can plant closer to the wall than this but it will take some pruning as they get larger to keep them from growing into the walls. If two trees are used then thwy can be put a little closer together than half their mature height. Two story homes should have 35 ft. smaller trees use less water than larger trees. Personally, I like the smaller trees more since they will get shade on the house faster. I don’t like to recommend plants so I will forward this to Andrea Meckley since she LOVES to make plant recommendations and is a Certified Horticulturist,with the American Society For Horticultural Science where I am an Associate Editor. Join my landscape design for the desert class starting July 7, 2018. It is a multiweek class and you will finish your own personalized landscape design under my guidance and learn how to install it. Bob Morris’ landscape design class Evergreen or deciduous is up to you.  Some people like leaves on trees all year (evergreen) and some like the “seasonal” look.  You mentioned low debris, so you may want to stay with an evergreen so you do not have fall leaves.  For an evergreen small to medium size tree in full afternoon sun with a west exposure I suggest you look at Mastic Tree (Pistache lentiscus) (15’w x 20′ h), or Xylosma (Xylosma congestum) maturing at around 15’w x 12′ h. Another couple of evergreen choices are Sweet Acacia (Acicia farnesciana)a hardy tree maturing around 20′ x 20′ andBay Laurel (Laurel nobilis) trees also stay small maturing around 12′ x 12′. For a deciduous (loses leaves in winter) tree look at Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis) and hybrids with different color flowers maturing around 25’h x 20’w. Plant info and pictures of trees can be found at snwa.com. Another excellent resources to get more info on with different characteristics of plants is the ‘Regional Plant List’ by the Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition which can be found at https://wrrc.arizona.edu/sites/wrrc.arizona.edu/files/SNRPC_Regional%20Plant%20List.pdf.  Very informative. Hope this information helps.  Feel free to contact me with further questions or comments. Andrea Meckley Certified Horticulturist [email protected]

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Trees for Privacy and Hummingbirds

Q. Putting landscape in backyard of new home in a couple of weeks what type of trees do you suggest that will give me privacy and not shed all leaves in the fall also trees and shrubs that attract hummingbirds. I am not fond of making tree recommendations so I am ccing this to Andrea who loves to do that kind of thing. Good luck! Bob Morris A. I am Andrea Meckley, a certified horticulturist working her in the Las Vegas Valley in the green industry since 1992.   Attached is a Hummingbird Plant list.  Also is attached the middle pages of a publication called Trees for Tomorrow.   Without knowing more details on the tree you want, I suggest you check it out.  I could not scan the whole list of large trees so if you need that info go to www.lasvegasnevada.gov/files/trees.pdf  That website address will also give you pics and more info on each tree.   I assume you want a small to medium size tree.  Since you want a tree with leaves all year, start with trees labeled ‘evergreen’ in the ‘tree type’ column.  Narrow the choices depending on flowers (some debris), water use, thorns, etc. according to chart.  Also visiting demonstration gardens is a good reference tool to use in choosing plants.  We have the Springs Preserve and Master Gardner Demonstration gardens in Las Vegas and Acacia Park in Henderson.

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Olive, Vitex or Crape Myrtle. Which is best?

Q. You helped me out a couple of years ago when I had questions about growing tree roses.  Now I would like your opinion on some tree varieties. This fall I would like to replace a couple of sumacs in my back yard. I really like three trees: olive, chaste and crape myrtle but I can’t find anything online that compares these three trees.  Do you have a favorite?  Can you give me some pro’s and con’s compared to each other? A. These three trees are dramatically different from one another in many ways, are used for different purposes in the landscape and have different watering requirements. All three will work here, Crape Myrtle being more difficult to manage than Olive or Vitex. Crape myrtle growing in desert soil Comparing all three trees, crape Myrtle provides the most year around beauty in the landscape. All of them are relatively slow in getting some size so you might shop for some larger trees if you want some instant impact after their planting. Olive is the only evergreen tree in the group. I would classify European olive as primarily a 25 to 35 ft. shade tree that can take tremendous abuse. This tree will rebound if pruned badly so it is a relatively safe tree to have if you contract blow and go landscapers to do your property. The other two trees will not rebound like an olive if they are pruned badly. In my opinion, Crape Myrtle might be ruined. If you need something that creates shade, screens, or privacy all year round and is easy on water use, then you might consider olive. As you know we can only plant so-called fruitless olive in Clark County, Nevada. So you will be restricted to either Swan Hill or Wilsonii. However, you can add Monrovia nursery’s Majestic Beauty (Monher variety) to the fruitless list as well. I have had numerous complaints about fruitless varieties producing fruit as they get older. It is believed this happens because these are grafted varieties and the top is lost at the bud union. The rootstock continues growing which is a fruitful olive and the tree becomes an olive tree that produces fruit with a fruitless tag. Others believe tags are mixed up in the nursery. Crape myrtle trunk, young tree In any case, don’t expect your fruitless olive to be totally fruitless. If you need this tree to be totally fruitless, pick something else. Olive is relatively pest free. It requires minimal maintenance. Both olive and Crape Myrtle get to be similar in mature size, around 25 to 40 feet. It will do well in a lawn or a rock mulch desert landscape. You would use this tree if you want a rock solid landscape tree that can handle a lot of abuse. Crape Myrtle can also be spelled Crêpe Myrtle. In other parts of the country they come in a wide range of mature sizes ranging from 3 feet tall to 25 feet tall. Their flower color ranges from white to pink’s, to reds, two lavenders. Selection in Las Vegas will be much more limited but shop around. I have been surprised seeing selections in Lowe’s and Home Depot. It is flat-out gorgeous tree if cared for properly. That is the key. European olive It is what we call a specimen tree, a showstopper when in bloom and even in the winter when it is leafless. It is meant to be a focal point for landscape. A larger tree will provide shade as it gets older but it is really meant to stimulate conversations and to draw your eye because it says, “Look at me!” when it is blooming. Olive flowers Crape Myrtle is a beautiful tree when it is blooming but I would argue that the texture of its trunk and its silhouette in winter rivals its flowers. The exfoliating character of the trunk is gorgeous up close. If pruned properly its winter silhouette without leaves can be beautiful as well. The combination of flowers and uniqueness of its trunk and winter silhouette provides year around beauty. This tree needs to be pruned professionally by certified arborists or by a knowledgeable homeowner. You do not want blow and go landscapers to touch this tree! It will require special fertilizer applications including iron. It will do best with wood surface mulches but it can grow in desert landscapes as well. In desert/rock landscapes crape Myrtle will require more care to keep it looking good over the years. There are dwarf varieties 3 to 6 feet tall, semi-dwarf varieties 7 or 8 feet tall, all the way up to full size which is about 25 feet in height. Most sold here are full-sized but shop around and you may get lucky finding other types. Locally I have had complaints that trees were mislabeled and customers received a different flower color from what they expected. The other complaint was how they were planted. Be very careful of companies that advertise free planting. This tree needs to have plenty of soil amendment go into the planting hole at the time of planting. When planting is free, the holes are dug way too small, very little soil amendment is used and the type of soil amendment used his lousy. If I were buying a boxed, specimen Crape Myrtle I would want to see that the flower color matched the nursery tag and I would have the hole dug to my specifications by an outside party and buy my soil amendment separately from the plant purchase. I would be placing this near a patio, a sitting area outside the master bedroom, near a place for people congregate in the backyard, or where you want people to look in the front yard. It has few pest problems. Vitex or Chaste tree is a smaller tree than the other two. None of the three trees are trees that originate from deserts. However, all three will perform in a desert landscape reasonably

Olive, Vitex or Crape Myrtle. Which is best? Read More »

Fall Or Winter Head Cold or Allergies? Shoestring Acacia.

Shoestring Acacia is in bloom right now and has been credited with allergy problems. In fact, they will bloom through most of the winter. Shoestring Acacia flowers in Bloom in January Shoestring Acacia can grow up to 40 feet tall quite rapidly and it is relatively upright so it can be useful in more narrow locations and in scale with two-story homes and commercial buildings.They are good selection for desert landscapes but allergies might be a problem.   Shoestring Acacia with a fairly wide form. It is propagated from seed so there is a lot of genetic variability which means you can have narrow ones and you can have wider ones. If you are picking one that is intended for a narrow area, pick one that has a narrow habit to begin with in the nursery. Chances are if it is narrow in the container it is more likely to be narrow when it is older. If you pick one that is not so narrow when it is small, you do run the chance of having a fairly wide Shoestring Acacia.   Shoestring Acacia, narrow form. This tree is started from seed so there is a lot of variation in the trees. Pick one that is narrow to begin with and hopefully it will stay narrow if that is what you want. If you want one that’s wide, then pick a form that’s wide in the nursery. It hails from Australia which, like so many trees from Australia, blooms during the fall or winter months rather than spring and summer. It is popular here in the desert Southwest and some people consider that it might be over planted.  There are complaints from people that it is messy and the leaves, because they are long and narrow, are difficult to clean up. Whatever you do, don’t cut the top off. Trees that are pruned like this are ruined for life. Shoestring Acacia topped at commercial planting North Decatur and CC 215

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Ornamental Pear in Bloom Now… A Nice Tree Where it Has Room to Grow

The good and bad about ornamental pear in the desert. I get questions very, very often about which plants I recommend. I am sorry. But I really hate that question. Half of the answer involves will it grow here and how difficult is it to grow AND the other half is the homeowners personal preference. I have no problem with the first part. It is the second part that is really difficult for me to get a handle on. Because it is a personal question. Ornamental or Callery pear. The Good. Ornamental pear, sometimes called Callery pear, has been around in several different forms for a long, long time. I have been watching them here in Las Vegas for nearly 30 years in different locations and surprising to me they really handle alot of adversity. They can handle rock landscapes, droughty conditions, poor soils, lawns and has few pest problems, unlike in some other places. It is a good choice as a street tree and parks. The Bad. I would not recommend it for home landscapes unless you have a fairly big landscape area and it is probably best if you have a two-story home, not a single-level in terms of size. It can get a bit big if well cared for, 40 feet in our desert. Although I have to admit I have not seen one get that tall here. It is not low in water use. Just like any other fruit tree its water use will be moderately high and increases proportionately as it gets bigger. It will perform better in soils improved with compost and covered in wood mulch rather than rock mulch. It can get a some fireblight (bacterial disease) some seasons if it is raining at the time of bloom (February here). It does produce fruit but it is so small it is mostly inconspicuous but can cause some litter under the tree. Winter form of ornamental pear in rock landsxcape with minimal care. In my opinion it has been limbed up too high. I would have liked to see it with more branches lower on the trunk with at least half of its height in canopy. The Ugly. Like most pears, its growth is somewhat upright and tends to get narrow crotch angles which can be improved with proper pruning and limb spreaders. I don’t care for its winter look all that much. Some will disagree with me but the trunk is not all that pretty and its form is just okay in my opinion. It can get iron chlorosis (yellowing of new growth) in some places but can be corrected using iron chelates containing EDDHA. I would recommend it but don’t put it in a small yard and be aware that this is not a low water use plant.

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