Monthly Weather and ET Report from the UNCE Orchard

We had freezing temperatures at night on January 6 and 8th. Winds did not compound the problem. Humidity dropped to single digits twice during the month. No major rainfall events. ET was about 2. 4 inches during the month of January. Generally speaking, irrigation should have added about 2 inches of water in January, 2014. The UNCE Orchard is located at 36 degrees North Latitude and 2000 ft (666 meters) elevation in the Mojave Desert. The soil temperature was reset from 6 inch depth to 2 inch depth on January 21. This is why the range became so scattered starting January 21. If this scattering continues we will reset it a bit deeper. This temperature is used to estimate seeding dates for direct seeding into the raised beds.

Monthly Weather and ET Report from the UNCE Orchard Read More ยป