UNCE Orchard in North Las Vegas Posts Hard Freeze Temperatures in December 2013

Earlier this month the UNCE Orchard in North Las Vegas (located near the intersection of North Decatur and Horse Drive) posted some very low freezing temperatures.  Winter tender plants will be killed to the ground at these temperatures. In particular bougainvillea and any tender vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, squash, basil, etc). Tender citrus will be damaged or outright killed to the soil level. Hardy citrus that will handle these temperatures include Meyer lemon and some grapefruit. Expect to see some bronzing of the leaves of palms and citrus. UNCE Orchard Weather Station Report From 2013-12-04 To 2013-12-10 Reported by Mike Barrett           __________Temperature________   Degree    Solar     RH     Rain-   ___   Wind___     Date   Mean  High   Time    Low    Time     Days    Rad       Mean   Fall       Speed Gust    12/04   36.5    44.7  14:30   25.0   00:00      0.0       153.7      40     0.00          5.3    26.0    12/05   31.6    42.1  14:30   22.4   06:30      0.0       151.3      41     0.00          0.2      7.0    12/06   31.5    42.2  14:30   20.9   07:00      0.0       148.1      45     0.00          0.5    10.0    12/07   40.2    52.8  14:30   27.6   00:30      0.2       131.6      42     0.00          4.0    19.0    12/08   34.2    41.2  13:00   27.8   05:30      0.0       145.0      17     0.00          3.6    17.0    12/09   31.7    40.3  14:00   22.9   23:30      0.0       150.6      17     0.00          4.9    20.0    12/10   22.6    28.4  08:00   20.3   04:30      0.0         20.9      42     0.00          0.0      2.0                                                                         0.2                               0.00            The Watchdog 2900ET weather station is located near the northwest corner of the south orchard, approximately 2.5 meters above ground, at the top of the tree canopy. Temperature – degrees F (±1ºF) Solar Radiation – Watts/m2 (±0.05) RH – Relative humidity (±3%) Rainfall – inches (±4%) Wind – miles per hour (±5%)

UNCE Orchard in North Las Vegas Posts Hard Freeze Temperatures in December 2013 Read More »