
Chinese Pistache Trees with Verticillium Wilt Disease?

Q. We have two Chinese
pistache trees in our backyard that appear to have verticillium wilt. Any

How did you confirm
this disease? Do you have isolated branches that are dying back? It is
rare to have this disease in a home landscape. Not impossible, but
rare.If you are correct than this could impact your entire landscape and
future plant selection.
            I am sending you a link so that you can look at pictures
of this tree when it has verticillium wilt. Readers can also see this link on
my blog. 

            There is not much that you can do if you in fact your
trees do have verticillium wilt. It is fairly easy to diagnose if you know what
to look for.
            All you can do now is make sure the trees are not getting
too much water, not fertilized with too much nitrogen and prune out the
infected limbs.
            This disease is in the soil so planting in this spot with
susceptible woody trees is not a good idea. You can use ornamental grasses and
pines in this spot since they don’t get this disease.

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