
Cut Back Bougainvillea or Not?

Q. Should bougainvillea be
cut back in the winter?  I have two in large
pots. I want to see them grow fuller this spring and summer. Cut back or leave

Bougainvillea used as a landscape shrub in Bullhead City, Az, USA a

A. Wait until about March
1 and see if there is any winter damage from freezing. Then decide. If there
is, cut it back close to the ground and let it regrow again.
Bougainvillea will regrow after damage quickly on established roots from year to year. As long as the winter temperatures were not cold enough to damage the roots and crown. Mulch the plant during winter months if you think it will freeze.

            If there is no winter
freeze damage, make this plant fuller by cutting the stems back at various
heights (so it doesn’t look like a butch haircut) anywhere from a foot to foot
half from the ground. For every cut you make, three new shoots will grow and
increase the density of the plant.

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