
Desert Horticulture Podcast: Leaffooted Plant Bug, Weeds, Twisted Myrtle

Join me on this episode of Desert Horticulture. We will discuss the Leaffooted Plant Bug (does it deserve to be capitalized?), controlling some weeds like sandbur and puncturevine, planting horsetail, twisted myrtle problems, and ants climbing inside figs. This and more in this episode of Desert Horticulture.

2 thoughts on “Desert Horticulture Podcast: Leaffooted Plant Bug, Weeds, Twisted Myrtle”

  1. I am not sure what you are calling horehound weed. But there are some control measures for horehound when it invades an area and becomes a problem. It is in the mint family and mints are always difficult to control. https://wric.ucdavis.edu/information/natural%20areas/wr_M/Marrubium.pdf

    This ariticle mentions both chemical and non chemical control. The chemicals they mention…dicamba, trichlopyr, mestulfuron,…are mostly aimed at woody plants control. You might look for names like "Bruch control", "woody plant control" or the like to find weed control chemicals that contain these active ingredients.

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