
Do You Love Magnolias?

2016 Magnolia “Seedling” Program
The Magnolia Society International is excited to announce
a new scholarship program, the Magnolia “Seedling” Program. This seedling
program is a new endeavor targeted to support a young magnoliaphile to attend
an annual meeting by paying their expenses (travel, lodging, meals and
registration). MSI wants to encourage someone who is just starting out in
horticulture or research and has a specific interest (breeding, conservation,
production, etc.) in magnolias. 
The 2016 annual meeting is April 8-11, 2016 in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. More information about the meetings can be found at
www.magnoliasociety.org. If you
have a student that you feel qualifies for this travel scholarship please send
a nomination including name of individual, statement on why you feel they
deserve the travel scholarship and their specific interest with magnolias.
There is a short deadline of January 30th, 2016. Please email nomination to:
Dr. Todd West
266E Loftsgard Hall
Dept 7670, PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050

Fax: 701.231.8474

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