
Eliminating Flowers and Fruit on Ornamental Plants

Q. Last year I bought a house with a 6 foot privacy fence
consisting of Texas privets and was unable to enjoy my patio in the spring due
to severe allergies. Is there a product available that would prevent the shrubs
from pollinating and flowering
A. This is the first I have heard of this plant causing
allergy problems so I had to check around. And sure enough, there are some
people who have an allergic reaction to the pollen or flowers.
      There are chemical sprays such as Monterey
Florel Brand Growth Regulator and their Fruit Eliminator but the problem is the dosage and the label. And it does not necessarily eliminate the flowers since you have to spray the open flowers to cause the fruit to abort. Normally
sprays like this are applied early when the plant is in flower. However many
plants are not on the label so the rates are not known and legally not permitted.

other thing is to give it a butch haircut when the flowers come out. You can
use a hedge shears. Eventually though this type of pruning will not be good for
the plant over time. I think you can get this product at ViraGrow in Las Vegas.

Q and A’s on this product and Label

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