
Fertilize Fruit Trees Organically or Not Organically. Your choice.

Q. Can I start feeding my fruit
trees now or should I wait until spring?

A. It is best to wait a couple of
weeks, toward the end of January, before new growth sets in and up through
about March for a single application.
convenient method of application are fertilizer spikes which can be pounded
into wet soil about a foot from the tree using the plastic cap that is usually
sold with them. You pay for that convenience and lower mess. Fertilizer spikes
have the added advantage of releasing nutrients slower than a handful of

can use GOOD compost if you want but good compost contains about 1 to 2%
nitrogen compared to traditional fertilizers which can be 20% or more. So you
have to use much more compost compared to a fertilizer.
forget your single iron application also in January. Use the EDDHA form of iron
chelate and follow label directions. It contains about 6% iron but is not an
organic source. 

            For organic gardeners blood meal can be used as a nitrogen
source as well as iron but has about a 30:1 ratio of iron compared to EDDHA so
you need to use a lot more compared to the chelate. Blood meal has about 0.2% iron in it.

can mix the blood meal with the compost if you like. Compost, although not
labeled as a fertilizer, is a complete source of plant nutrients. Adding blood
meal to it enhances the uptake of iron and compost helps to lower soil pH also helping to make the iron more available to the plant.
you can make one application in January or half in January and half after you
            If citrus or other winter tender fruit trees nothing after June to
keep succulent growth at a minimum before winter.

2 thoughts on “Fertilize Fruit Trees Organically or Not Organically. Your choice.”

  1. The picture above with the EDDHA 1 lb cannister is from Plant World Nursery on Charleston in Las Vegas. They have them in 1 lb cannisters and larger. Talk to Doug or Brian.

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