
Get Ready for the Leaffooted Plant Bug Invasion

Q. What is the best attack for these pesty, scarey
looking creatures.  We had them last
year.  Haven’t seen them yet this
season.  Is there something to keep them

A. This first part I am explaining will be a bit late for
you now but prevention should start during the winter months when they can be
seen in the landscape as overwintering adults ready to lay eggs in the spring.

I have seen adults on bottlebrush in home landscapes in southern Nevada and I
am sure they are probably overwintering on a number of evergreen plants in
winter months. Since these insects can fly 
as adults they will move from plant to plant for sources of food. 
means that they will come into your yard from neighbors as well all during the
growing season. So just because you control them once during the season you
will have them again as long as there is food in your yard for them to eat.

What do we know about leaffooted plant bug?

  • They like to feed on pomegranates, almonds,
    pistachios, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, corn, peach, nectarine and I
    am sure some others.
  • They are closely related to stinkbugs and squash
    bugs, feed and reproduce like them and can be confused with them because they
    look kind of similar.
  • They overwinter from year to year in the
  • It takes about 50 or 60 days to produce adults
    from eggs laid in the spring.
  • They feed with a long hypodermic needle-like
    mouth that is inserted into soft plant tissue like leaves and fruit.
  • Their feeding early when fruit is developing can
    cause threads of sap to stick out of the fruit.
  • Their feeding causes misshapen fruit or causes
    fruits or nuts to drop off of the tree.
  • Their feeding can also cause diseases to enter
    the fruit.

How to Control Them
They are difficult to control because they hide unless
they are swarming and reproducing near the fruit.
Take Down pyrethrin based garden spray
Hard or conventional pesticides such as Sevin or
synthetic pyrethrins are the most effective for rapid kill. These
can be found as ingredients in some common vegetable or fruit sprays in
nurseries or garden centers. These same ingredients are used commercially where
leaffooted plant bug is active.
types of chemicals leave behind a residual on plants that offer some protection
for a number of days after they are applied. They also present some safety
concerns for homeowners when used without caution in home landscapes so make
sure you read the label thoroughly if you choose to go this route.
control is more difficult because these chemicals are short-lived and don’t
leave behind much of a residual. You will not control this pest without more
work on your part when using organic methods. That is the tradeoff when using
organic methods.
conventional pesticides like Sevin a few passes during fruit set and
development will give you some good control. Organic methods may require more
inspection of the tree and fruit on your part and spraying more frequently.
sprays like Safers insecticidal soap will give good control if the spray lands
on the insects. It leaves no residual once sprayed. Oils like Neem have been
reported to give good control. Other oils include horticultural oils and canola
sprays like Bt will not work on this insect. Spinosad has not been reported to
work on this insect either. Another possibility is pyrethrin sprays which may
give you good knockdown when sprayed on them directly. 
common mistake is to think that just because they organic sprays they will not
hurt anything except the enemy insect. This is not true.
sprays will kill many different insects, good and bad. So directing the sprays
at the enemy insects is important. It is also important to spray very early in
the morning or near sundown. Spray when there is no wind and cover both the
upper and lower sides of the leaves.
not use one spray over and over. Use several sprays in rotation with each other
so you do not end up with an explosion in the population of insects not
controlled or building up insect immunity to the spray.

2 thoughts on “Get Ready for the Leaffooted Plant Bug Invasion”

  1. These are big pests in gardens so if you find one I would suggest moving it to a plant like a tree or a plant in a nearby park to avoid it eating your garden.

  2. The leaf footed plant bug is a big problem on vegetables as well as pistachios, almonds and pomegranate. If you find something "organic" that controls them then tell me.

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