
How to Block Light from Your Neighbors

Q. I need to block out my neighbor’s intense landscape
lighting that pierces my screen of photinia and comes into my yard. I plan to
attach Mexican palm thatch to the iron fencing behind the photinia. That extra
layer will block my neighbors landscape “headlights”. Should I spray
the palm thatch with any insecticide first in the event there are bugs that
could invade the photinia?

A. It sounds like an inexpensive way to enhance the
enjoyment of your backyard at night. Those fronds should last about 2 years
before they need replacement. They will last longer with fewer holes created in
the fronds when attaching them to the fence. Some box stores offer reed fencing
that might save you some work, last longer and is ready for attachment.
            I know
of no bugs that would be a problem spreading to your photinia from the fronds so
no need to spray. I also don’t foresee any future problems using palm fronds except
a potential fire problem if they were to ever catch fire. An inexpensive fire
retardant is to spray them with a solution of ammonium sulfate dissolved in

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