
How to Move Established Plants in the Landscape

Q. A one-year-old tree was relocated from the front to
the backyard. After one day, it appears obviously stressed. It lost all of its
leaves. Our landscaper put on a combo mixture that included B12. They didn’t
prune it. I always thought you should prune about a foot off in order to
stimulate the roots. What do you suggest?
A. Trees that have been in the ground for 1 to 3 years
should move to new locations easily provided it is properly done at the right
time of the year.
            Yes, I
would normally prune back a tree or shrub after relocating at. This is a very
important step in transplanting to reduce transplant shock. The reason is not
to stimulate roots but to bring a better balance between the severed roots and
the canopy.
trees and shrubs when temperatures are cooler.
I looked at the air temperatures
reported when you sent me this email. They were still over 100° F. We are
approaching the right time of year for transplanting but those temperatures are
still too high.
            The tree
lost its leaves because the severed roots could no longer supply enough water
to the canopy. The tree responded to this “transplant shock” by dropping its
leaves. This was its defense mechanism to preserve its life.

What is transplants shock?

can come in many forms. The most severe shock results in plant death.
Dropping its leaves was the trees defense mechanism that hopefully will save
its life. By dropping leaves, there may be enough water the roots can supply to
keep the leafless tree alive.
transplanting of trees and shrubs results in minor transplant shock. Minor
transplant shock results in little to no dropping of leaves but a slowing of
growth for the next one or two growing seasons.
established with drip irrigation can exhibit almost no transplant shock because
the roots of the plants are concentrated close to the drip emitters. This makes
moving them to a new location much easier.

Some Tips for Transplanting

            Here are
some steps to follow when transplanting trees and shrubs that are one to three
years old. First, wait for the cool temperatures of fall. In our area this
would be mid-October to about mid-November. Move these plants soon after an
sure the new planting hole has been dug and the soil used for transplanting has
been amended with compost and a starter fertilizer before moving the plant
. When moving the
transplanted tree or shrub to its new location, it should be placed in the hole
immediately, planted and watered.
Second, with
a sharp, round-nosed shovel, sever the roots deeply all around the plant a
distance 12 to 18 inches from the trunk or trunks. Estimate the weight and size
of the root ball you will be moving. Take as much soil with the roots as you
physically can handle regardless of the size of the plant. Larger root ball
size decreases transplant shock.
the time plant roots are out of the soil
. Move the plant to the new planting
hole will by lifting under it, carrying it by its root ball. An old piece of carpet,
burlap or strong fabric works well.
lower the tree or shrub into the planting hole so that it will be planted at
the same depth it was previously. Fill the hole with amended soil while at the
same time filling the hole with water from a hose.

the plant
so the roots cannot move in a strong wind. Remove about one third of
the canopy with the pruning shears to reduce transplant shock.

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