
Human Urine as a Fertilizer

Q. Your may think I am crazy but a neighbor has beautiful
roses. When asked what he uses for ferilizer, he said he uses urine mixed with
an equal amount of water. Is human urine fertilizer?
A. Yes it is but untreated urine is not permitted by law
both legally (public urination is a misdemeanor) and environmentally (state dept of environmental
protection, NDEP, usually controls the use of waste products in agriculture). Contains urea which converts to ammonia, then nitrite and
finally nitrate by soil microorganisms where it can finally be used by plants.
Urine also contains numerous minerals in smaller amounts the content depends on
what you eat. There are also health issues surrounding the use of animal waste
that has not been properly composted, but urine is relatively safe compared to unrefined, solid waste.

That being said, read on about what others have said…..

Human urine as a fertilizer in Scientific American

Review of human urine as a fertilizer

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