
I Want to Plant a Necta Zee Nectarine. Will it do well here?

Q. I want to plant a necta-zee nectarine tree. will it do okay in Las Vegas? I looked on your fruit tree list and it shows its under

A. You are right it is under review. It is expected to do
very well but to date it is only about three years old so it is very new for
us. I like to see about three years to five years of production before I
determine how it will do in southern Nevada. It is a Zaiger Genetics release I
would expect the fruit will be good to high quality. Watch for thrips damage to
the fruit (scarring) in the future if you plan to go ahead with it.

Necta Zee Nectarine

3 thoughts on “I Want to Plant a Necta Zee Nectarine. Will it do well here?”

  1. My Necta-Zee is also only about three years old, but has produced the best nectarines I have ever tasted! May take a longer trial period, but so far, I have no regrets in adding this variety to my back-yard orchard, here in Spring Valley. The dwarf size of the tree is great, as well.

  2. No problem. I would like to add that I do thin the fruit (when it is about nickel-sized) down to one every 4-5 inches apart. This important step results in nice-sized fruit.

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