
If Fruit Trees are Planted Correctly They Can Take the Heat

 Dig the hole three times WIDER than needed. Plant in a wet hole. Amend or mix that soil or bring in different soil.

The planting hole is dug three times wider than you need it.

Amend or mix the soil with about 20 to 30% of a very good compost.

Mix in a good compost when planting.

Stake all fruit trees. Make sure the trunk cant move when you are finished.

Stake fruit trees, all of them, so the trunk can’t move.

Protect the fruit trees from rabbits with chicken wire for the first three to four years if you live near a golf course or an open desert.

Put at least two inches of mulch (wood chips that rot) on top of the soil. Three inches is better. Keep it 6 to 12 inches away from the trunk until the tree is six years old.

These are wood chips from whole entire trees, not bags of wood bark.

Water every other day or every third day, wide and deep.

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