
Insects on Fruit Easy to Control Without Pesticides. Just Clean Up!

Q. Could you tell me what these little buggars are and how to eliminate them?

A.  This is not a
common pest of fruit. It is an insect that just happened to be in the
area and found something it could eat, had more of its own and decided
you had a place it could set up residence. 

I am not an entomologist but
enough that I could identify it if it was a common pest. It is not. At
first I thought it was a sap beetle but it is not. 

Regardless, the
control is the same. Pick up and dispose of all damaged fruit on fruit
trees and the ground. Compost them or get rid of
them. Once you get rid of their food supply (damaged fruit) they will
begin to disappear. 

From the look of them they do not have the ability
to damage fruit themselves (their mouths cannot chew things) they look
for already damaged fruit so they can feed and


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