
Is My Yellow Bells Dead from Winter Cold?

Q. Last year we planted a yellow bells plant. It appears
to have died over winter. Do we need to trim it back to bring it “back to
life”, or just be patient and wait.

A. You should have seen it coming to life by now if it
was not damaged heavily by winter cold. They can be cut back hard and they will
come back if they appear dead but just have died back for the winter.

            They are
a bit tender and in the wrong spot they will freeze out due to winter cold. If
this was the case you might find a warmer microclimate in the yard and replant
and pick a different plant for that spot.

            They can
get ten feet tall and three feet wide just so that you remember to give them
enough room. If it freezes back each year but comes back in the spring it will
never get that big or if it does just keep it cut back during the winter.

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