
Is the Western Fence Lizard Vegetarian or Omnivorous?

Q. Will the Western fence lizards
that took up residence in our yard 2 or 3 years ago and ate our tomatoes. Or has
it been something else?
  They really keep
ants down. Thoughts?

Western fence lizard and meal. From https://www.ocregister.com/2010/06/19/lizards-in-your-yard-are-a-good-thing/

A. My understanding is that the
Western fence lizard is mostly a meat eater (ants, roaches, spiders) and not a
vegetarian (your tomatoes), but I could be wrong. I thought it would be damage
easy to recognize such as rats or rabbits (omnivorous and gnawing damage, my
first thought) or birds like the boat-tailed grackle (vegetarian and pecking

Gnawing on tomato not from the Western fence lizard.

fruit like tomatoes will ripen ahead of time if they are damaged first. I would
rely on the fact tomatoes are climacteric fruit (they will ripen off of the
vine and kept at room temperature for a few days) and avoid the problem and
harvest them while they are still green but starting to ripen. The fruit turns
from a darker green to a lighter green as part of the ripening process. If this
is an “animal” problem, they are sensing ripening fruit and either
smell this or see it.

Bird damage on grapes

may not be an “animal” problem at all. It might be best to stay ahead
of the problem instead of trying to figure it out.

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