
Jelly from Yellow Pear Tomato by Reader

I received this recipe for pear tomato jam I thought might interest some of you. 

For many years I helped my mother
canning, storing, and making jams and jellies for a family of six. 
I finally quit making jellies about
4 years ago.
I liked making jellies from
strawberries and crushed pineapple; Apricot and pineapple; and Yellow Pear
tomato with 

My own recipe:
4 cups tomatoes crushed ( I have a
30+ year old Oster chopper
1 8 oz can crushed pineapple
Combine to make 5 cups of fruit (you
may need a small amount of water
1-2 teaspoons lemon juice which
keeps the jelly from turning dark
7 cups sugar
1 package pectin
Follow the Pectin instructions.
Keep up the good information

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