
Kadota Figs are Treated Like Any Fig in the Desert

Q. I have a Kadota fig tree that gives lots of figs, but they are either hard as a rock or suddenly get mushy and fall off the tree. What am I doing wrong and how can I get some edible figs

A. There are at least two crops of figs, an early crop (Briba crop) and a later crop (Main crop). My guess is that the early crop is getting enough water (when its cooler) but not the later crops. Remember, figs are water loving crops. As temperatures get warmer, they require more water.

Not sure if this is the Briba crop or Main crop. Briba crops are produced on last years growth. Main crops occur on this years growth.

Also, as your fig tree gets bigger it will require more water. Prune them small and harvest the fruit from the ground when possible.

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