
Leafcutter Bees Will Probably Use Houses for Blue Mason Bees

Q. Someone gave us a Mason bee house to use. I saw in a
July 2011 post on your blog that there really aren’t mason bees in the Las
Vegas area but there are leaf cutter bees. Do you think the leafcutters would
use the Mason bee house? I know leaf cutters stuff the hole with leaves so the
fact that the Mason bee holes are larger might not be an issue.
A. I think the holes will be fine. The leafcutter bees
will take holes up to 3/8 inch easily and I think mason bee holes are about
5/16 inch which should be fine for both bees.

people don’t know the difference but be delighted that local bees are using it.
Have fun with it!
House for leafcutter bees

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