
Leaving for Afghanistan

I have accepted a post with the University of California, Davis, as their Deputy Chief of Party for establishing and extension program in Balkh Province, Afghanistan. The program is funded by USDA and involves currently UC Davis (lead) as well as Purdue and Washington State University. I will be leaving some time in April, 2012. My blog and newsletters will continue with perhaps some interesting posts from my new location. My newspaper column will continue with submissions from me from over there as well. You can still reach me by my email addresses with questions. So stay tuned!

Afghanistan Agricultural Extension Project (AAEP)

This project is designed to assist Afghanistan s Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock to deliver more effective, demand-driven extension services to producers and other rural clientele. Anticipated results of the project include a cadre of extension staff with the technical expertise and appropriate methodologies to effectively extend information and knowledge; increased public accessibility to, and use of, government extension services; development of extension training modules and educational materials based on high-priority needs; targeted agricultural universities, vocational high schools, and technical institutes with increased capacity to prepare future extension personnel; improved services for women working in the agricultural sector; and a pluralistic approach to extension that responds to farmers needs for research-based technologies, builds upon the innovations of Afghanistan farmers, and promotes coordination among the various entities providing extension-related services.

9 thoughts on “Leaving for Afghanistan”

  1. I was one of your students at the U of AZ Urban Garden Horticulture class. We talked about coming to the Orchard for a tour before you leave. We have not heard from you (the lady in class was trying to reach you by email). I and a friend of mine (Theresa the red head that likes to throw tomatoes) would like to come up anyway. Is this Sat a good date or would another day be better for this week? Thanks & I hope to see you before you leave.

  2. I start my assignment on April 1; probably a hint of things to come. I will not be leaving however until closer to the middle of April so I will not be at the orchard much as I prepare to go and have meetings to attend. It is best to contact the orchard manager, Jon. If you email me I can forward it to him or call him.

  3. Congratulations on your new job and thanks for all your help to folks here in Southern Nevada! Good luck!!

  4. Hi Bob…just joined your Blog. Please stay safe in Afganistan. It is not a safe place to be right now. I'm looking forward to what you'll discover over there! Can't wait to tune in next time! This site is HEAVEN to all things horticulture!

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