
Lemon Tree in Container with Yellow Leaves

Q. I have a small lemon tree growing in a large container. I
now have many small lemons on it which seem to be getting larger. My problem is
that the leaves are a sickly, yellow color. I fertilized it in late February
with a fertilizer labeled for citrus. It looks like it needs some iron and/or
more fertilizer. What is best to apply now that will not cause the little
lemons to fall off, or is it best to wait before applying anything?

One pound canniser of EDDHA
chelated iron

A. Go to plant world nursery and get a 1 pound canister of
EDDHA iron chelate. These chelate’s are expensive but this 1 pound canister is
not badly priced. Follow the label recommendations and apply it to the base of
the tree and water it in to the soil.

            Next year
apply this chelate to the soil in January or February just before new growth
begins. This chelate should help green things up. Leaves that are already
yellow may still stay somewhat yellow but the new growth coming out in the next
month should be green.

            Make sure
you check the soil moisture and do not irrigate if the soil is still wet. The
soil should not completely dry out but should be damp and not wet. You can try
one of those inexpensive soil moisture meters they use for houseplants and see
if that helps you to judge the soil moisture before you irrigate. I hope this

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