
Lemon Tree Leaves Eaten up

Q. I have a lemon tree
with the leaves eaten up by something. I have been spraying with soap and water
weekly but I’ve not seen any improvement. Any ideas?

A. I looked at the picture
of the leaves you sent. Damage caused by critters is frequently characteristic
to the feeder. The leaves are chewed from the tips and entire portions of the
leaf are gone.

we see root damage but this does not look like root weevil damage. Root weevil
damage leaves a characteristic “notching” along the edge of the leaf.
can damage citrus but they usually eat the small twigs or branches and entire
leaves. This damage usually extends only as high as they can reach. For
cottontails it is about a foot. For jackrabbits it can be 2 ½ feet or more.
also damage the trunks if the trees are fairly young. It does not look like
rabbit damage but I will not rule out rabbits. Look at where the damage is
located on the tree and see if it extends to a certain height only which might
point at rabbits.
damage resembles grasshopper damage to the leaves but I would not expect damage
from grasshoppers this time of year because they are not active now. Perhaps
this damage happened awhile back and you are just now seeing it.
and water sprays will not leave behind a toxic residue that kill pests. Soap
and water sprays will only kill insects that you spray.
pesticides like Sevin insecticide will leave behind a toxic residue. Try
spraying with Sevin if the lemon tree is not in flower. The damage resembles
the chewing from insects such as grasshoppers and Sevin insecticide should do
the trick.

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