
Majestic Beauty Hawthorne a Good Choice But Use Wood Mulch

Q. On the north side of our house we have a 10-foot wide
space we are trying to landscape. Several have suggested planting bay laurel
trees but we are concerned about the tree’s size for the space. When we went to
the nursery their suggestion was the Majestic Beauty hawthorn tree. Will the
Hawthorn tree do well in our climate and soils?
A. Yes, the Majestic Beauty Indian hawthorne is fine and could
work for you. Probably a better choice than the California bay laurel. Bay laurel
struggles in our climate unless they are protected from late afternoon sun.
Northern exposures can sometimes get hammered by the late afternoon sun.

plants do better with wood mulch rather than rock mulch. Use lots of compost mixed
into the planting soil at planting time.
wood mulch a foot from the trunk the first three or four years after planting.
Use at least four inches of mulch and it should cover a distance of at least 6
feet in diameter under the tree.

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