
Never too late To Prune Lantana

Q. I put off pruning my
lantana. They bloomed until about a two weeks ago. Now, they are starting to
cycle through the dying and rebuilding process. Can I prune them back now, the
normal way, and still have good growth?

A. So, I take it, you did
not prune your lantana this winter because it did not freeze. Or you just
forgot. Now you are wondering if it’s too late to prune. No, it’s not too late.
Do it now even though it’s starting to grow again.
            Lantana is what we call an herbaceous perennial in our
climate. Winter temperatures are usually cold enough that the top freezes to
the ground each winter. Spring pruning removes the top, close to the ground,
and it regrows again from its base or crown. This winter it did not get cold
            You know it has the potential to grow from its base. Cut
it back hard to within 1 inch of the soil surface and it will “sucker” below
these cuts. Give it some fertilizer and water after you make the pruning cuts.

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