
Ornamental Pear Requires Deep Watering to Prevent Leaf Drop

We are renting and we have a tree in our front yard that is not that old.  We have been noticing that the leaves are
turning a brown on the ends and not sure if it’s due to a watering issue,
disease or pest problem.  I have enclosed
pictures of the leaves and would appreciate any help so that we can correct the

From the pictures, it looks like may be an ornamental pear tree. The leaves
that I could see certain appear to be browning due to a lack of water. Ornamental
pear can do so-so in rock mulch but it doesn’t prefer it.
My initial guess is the tree is not
receiving enough water every time it is irrigated. What can be confusing is
that we can see similar symptoms to trees that are also receiving too much
water in this case I think it is not enough.
I am assuming the tree is on drip
irrigation and I am also assuming it is in a rock landscape. We can increase
watering by increasing the number of drip emitters surrounding the tree and
making sure that these emitters are 12 to 18 inches from the trunk.
We can also increase the amount of water
by increasing the number of minutes on the irrigation controller. The problem
when we do this is that everything else that is watered will also get an
increase in water when it may not be necessary.
Also, this will increase your water bill
perhaps unnecessarily. It is best to increase the number of emitters that way
only this particular tree will get the increase in water.
Another possibility (I don’t want you to
do this) is to increase the number of days the tree is receiving water during
the week. This is frequently not a good solution to a lack of water.
Trees need to receive deep irrigations
with lots of water, then arrest of a couple of days during the summer with no
additional water, and then watered again deeply. You do not want to water trees
daily if it is at all possible or unless they are in containers.

In the meantime, take a hose and give that
tree a lot of water at its base very slowly. Do this once a week and I think
you will see an improvement in the number of leaves produced and the overall
quality of the tree.

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