
Peach Leaves Suffer from Black Spots

Can you tell me what this is on one of our peach trees?
Picture from reader.
I am looking at your picture now of the peach leaf. It was hard to see what the
problem might be with only one picture and that picture was low resolution. 

What I saw was one leaf inside the canopy in some shade with some black spots
developing on the leaf margins. I couldn’t be certain but it looked like there
was a yellow halo around the black spots on the margins. 

I don’t know if this
is typical of all the leaves or just the leaves in the shade. For me there were
two possibilities; irrigation or a disease called shot hole fungus or Coryneum

If it was over the entire canopy and it involves leaves in full
sunlight then I would tend to think it was irrigation related. It usually
occurs if the tree is not getting enough water at the time of an irrigation or
if you waited too long between irrigations. If the tree has gotten considerably
larger in the last two years than I would add any emitter or two to the irrigation
of the tree. I would also mulch the surface of the soil to conserve water and
reduce water stress.

this is Coryneum blight then you would spray the tree with a copper-based
fungicide such as Bordeaux mixture immediately when the leaves fall from the
tree this early winter. You would follow up with the spray in the spring as the
leaves are coming out and new growth is emerging but after blooming has

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