
Pink and White Spring Flowering Trees Commonly Plum and Pear

Q. My husband and I just
moved to Summerlin, and I am seeing pink and white blooms on trees in this
area.  Do you know what kind of trees
these are?
Ornamental pear in full show in spring

A. Two very popular
ornamental trees grown in our desert climate are the ornamental pear and
flowering plum. Both bloom this time of year. Very popular and commonly planted,
they are tough survivors in urban landscapes and adapt to our desert
environment. They are not desert species but can handle our summer temperatures
and low humidity.

Ornamental pear flowers

            The ornamental pear has very showy white flowers in the
spring which last 2 to 3 weeks depending on temperatures. Sometimes called
Callery pear, the oldest variety is Bradford but has been replaced by other,
improved varieties.
            The flowering plum, besides very showy pink or rose
colored flowers, frequently produces fruit. Several varieties of flowering plum
exist; some with green leaves, some with purple leaves and some with purple
leaves that turn green as they mature.
            I frequently get questions whether the fruit is edible or
not. Yes, it is. A number of people collect this fruit and make excellent jams
or jellies and alcoholic beverages from it.
            If you’re thinking of planting these trees, they will
grow best with the soil above their roots covered in wood chips that easily
decompose, enriching the soil. They struggle in soils covered with rock and
frequently develop problems.
            Although they grow in the desert environments, they are
not desert plants. Water and fertilize them like a fruit tree. But prune them
as an ornamental tree.
Purple leaf plum in flower

            Plant them as you would any other landscape tree or
shrub. Dig the hole at least three times the diameter of the container. Mix
into the soil removed from the hole about 50%, by volume, with good quality
compost and a couple hands full of phosphorus fertilizer.

Flowering plum flower

            When planting these trees, remove them from the container
and use plenty of water during planting. The planting hole should be a slurry
of soil, compost and fertilizer when finished to remove air pockets and then allowed
to drain.

            Make a basin around the tree 3 to 4 inches deep and fill
it with water three times after planting. Continue hand watering these trees
three times a week, filling the basin each time, before leaving them to your
irrigation system.

            If the tree has a stake
in the container, cut the green plastic fastening the tree to the stake and
pound it solidly into the soil at the bottom of the hole. Reattach the stake to
the tree with green nursery tape to prevent the roots from moving. Remove the
stake after the first growing season.

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