
Prepare for Pruning This Winter

            Winter fruit tree pruning starts as soon as leaves drop
from the trees. It’s easier to see the branching structure of the tree, I call
it the tree’s “architecture”, after the leaves are gone. This is also the time
for the major pruning of landscape trees and shrubs.

One-year-old Peach tree ready to prune as soon as the leaves drop

            Palms are pruned after new growth and flowering in late
spring or early summer and coinciding with flowering and seed production.
Removal of flowers and seed at the same time reduces Palm tree litter.

Weight to prune palm trees until after they flower but before they drop their seed.
            Speed up leaf drop by shutting off the water. This puts
them under a little bit of stress which speeds leaf drop. Turn the water back
on when the leaves begin to turn color.

Plum parfait pluot just turning color and ready to drop leaves soon. Speed it up by turning off the water.
            Prune fruit trees anytime in December and January.
Reserve grape pruning for the end of February. Roses are traditionally pruned
in January.
            Fertilizer applications to most fruit trees, landscape
trees and shrubs is done in mid-January and into February. If you see buds
swelling on branches, fertilize the trees.
            Lawns, annual flowers, vegetables and “specialty” plants
like roses are fertilized 3 to 6 times a year depending on your expectations
and budget.

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