
Prune Lantana and Star Jasmine at Different Times

Q. When can we cut back star
jasmine and plant lantana?

A. Because Lantana could
still freeze back with some low temperatures it is best to wait until the end
of February to plant them. Now is a great time for planting anything not
damaged from freezing temperatures.

Flowers produced by one of the Lantanas

a hole three times wider than the container. Use soil taken from the hole and
amend it 50/50 with compost plus a handful of granular fertilizer high in
phosphorus. As an alternative, mix a water-soluble fertilizer high in
phosphorus in a bucket with water and use this solution when watering the first

Unopened flowers on star jasmine

            The general rule of thumb for when to prune plants
appreciated for their flowers is to prune soon after the flowering period has
finished. This is because the flower buds for the next cycle of blooms are
formed soon after flowering is over. Pruning now could eliminate the spring
New spring growth from Lantana after it is been cut back to a couple of inches above the soil or rock mulch level
            After pruning, always fertilize plants. Flowering plants
should receive a high phosphorus fertilizer at least once during the year.

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