
Prune Mesquite in the Summer?

Q. I have a Mesquite tree that has gone wild. I had it
trimmed a year ago and thought I could skip a year but no chance. It’s rubbing against
the roof again. When is the best time to have them trimmed? Can I do it during
the summer like in August?
Finding the right amount of water to give trees like mesquite so they don’t overgrow can be a balancing act.

A. Let’s talk about its “wild
growth” first. Mesquite trees, like most desert plants, are opportunists. When
water is present, they grow like crazy. When water becomes limited, their growth
slows down. If water really gets limited, they begin to drop their leaves. If
water is even more limited for a longer period of time, then branches begin to
            It’s fun to see a Mesquite tree grow eight or 9 feet a
year but this is also a signal it’s getting a lot of water. Put this to your
advantage when it’s young by giving it frequent irrigations and large amounts
of water. As the tree begins to reach a size that you prefer, the watering
schedule should be restricted.
            When the tree reaches the size you like, then it becomes
a balancing act; finding the right amount of water and applying it at the right
time so that growth is not berserk but the tree still looks good.
            When the tree is the right size, cut back on how often it
receives water but give it a large volume when you do water. This helps develop
a deep root system.
            The trick is to determine when to irrigate next. Use the
information I just gave you to determine that. When you see the tree begin to
drop leaves or the canopy begins to thin, then give it its next watering.

            As for pruning, light pruning can be done anytime.
Branches that are rubbing on the roof should be removed as soon as possible.
But if you are pruning significantly and opening the tree for a lot more
sunlight to penetrate into the interior, then do this during the winter.

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