
Relocating Oleander Requires Drastic Measures.

Q. I dug up some standard sized oleanders from my
neighbor’s yard. They were healthy for years and some were 8 to 9 feet tall. I
transplanted them about six weeks ago and used transplanting fluid every 6 to 7
days. I also watered them every few days. The leaves are all dry and crinkled so
I pull them off. They are dead now and just look like sticks. But I see new
growth coming from the base. My husband tells me to pull them out and buy some
new ones. Will these make it?

A. When you dig up plants that are this old you can only
get about 10% of their root system. With a

Oleander will sucker from the base if it is cut back. When relocating an older Oleander you should cut them back to make up for the lost roots.

very small percentage of the root
system they will have considerable die back. If they make it at all, they will
do exactly what you’ve described and that is to regrow from the base.

If you want to keep them, it is
best to just cut them off with a few inches above the ground and let them
regrow from the base. Just keep the soil around the roots watering about once a
week now and twice a week when it gets really hot.

They will survive and I would be
surprised if anything grows from the stems that are taller. The transplanting
fluid was not necessary. They would’ve done what they’re doing right now with
or without it.

In the future when you move
plants that have been in the ground for more than two or three years the
success rate is pretty low unless you have a history of doing it successfully.

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