
Should I Put a Sheet on my Veggies This Winter?

Q. I have vegetable
garden. Do I have to cover with a sheet if it freezes?


A. It depends on the
vegetables and the site. Vegetable gardens located in warm areas of the yard
with reflected heat and very little wind are much warmer. They may not need to
be covered or covered less often than those that are exposed. Vegetables
growing in these locations are not as likely to freeze during the winter.

Freeze damage to tomato plant

Freeze damage to tomato fruit

     Of course any of the warm season vegetables like
tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash, etc. are going to freeze as soon as
temperatures drop below freezing. In fact, they can suffer some damage when
temperatures drop to the temperature of your refrigerator.
            Some warm season vegetables like beans may freeze to the
ground at the hint of a freeze while others like peas, spinach and radishes may
sail through the winter with no problems. Sorry that I can’t give you a
definite answer on that because there are so many variables.

Bush bean collar rot due to cold soils

            To be on the safe side get yourself a 1 ounce or more
frost blanket and cover your growing area when temperatures are predicted to
drop below freezing. Depending on the frost blanket, it can allow 50% or more
of the light to reach the vegetables and it also breathes while it can raise
the temperature under the blanket five or 6° F. It also keeps the wind off of
the vegetables.

Crop cover (frost blanket) on raised bed for improved germination during cold weather

            Follow the direction and tack it down tightly so the wind
doesn’t get under it. Or put some weighted objects along the perimeter of the
blanket. Don’t use burlap or plastic sheeting. Spend the money, buy the 1 ounce
or heavier frost blankets and they will last for three or four seasons or more.
De Witt makes a good
one. So does Agfabric.

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