
Shrub Dropping Its Leaves Could Be Lack of Water

Q. A month ago we had a shrub
that was seemingly healthy.  It began
losing its leaves since then.  I do not
know the name of this shrub but it is ten years old and planted on the north
side of our home getting only the early morning sun. My question is, is there a
possibility of the leaves coming back or is this shrub a goner?  
A. Couldn’t tell 100% from the picture you sent but I
think it is Pittosporum. First glance at the picture looked like it went
through some sort of rapid shock. That’s why there is leaf drop and many of
them are still green. Otherwise, the plant looks healthy except for this leaf
            I think the soil got too dry for a short time and caused
the leaf drop. Take a hose and soak the area at the base of the shrub twice
during this next week. I think you will see it produce new leaves and start to
come back within 7 to 10 days.
            Check to make sure the drip emitters are not plugged and
the plant is getting water. But I think it was a short-term water problem
during excessively hot weather.

5 thoughts on “Shrub Dropping Its Leaves Could Be Lack of Water”

  1. This looks like an evergreen euonymus. I've seen this happen a lot. Soil will be moist and branches are all still flexible. Bob, do you think this is some sort of soil borne disease. Perhaps a fungus?

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