
Sometimes You Must “Bite the Bullet” When Conserving Water in the Landscape

Q. You emphasized it’s
better to water longer rather than more often. But what if that’s not possible?
Our small condo community has an old irrigation system with everything watered
from the same lines. We irrigate for nearly 24 hours. Less than that and small
plants really struggle. Is there anything we can do? 

This picture says it all. This is an example of the Mini-oasis landscape design pioneered by the late Dr. Warren Jones (University of Arizona). He and Mary Rose Duffield published a book called “Trees for Dry Climates” in the 1980’s that talked about this water saving design technique now renamed hydrozoning. I “borrowed” this picture from Sunset Magazine many years ago. Thanks Sunset!
A. Telling you to water
longer rather than more often, I am telling you what to strive for, what’s best
for the plants, your condo community and your landscape. There is no “quick
fix” to use when irrigating that solves this problem without making major
changes to the landscape and irrigation system.

This is a “birds-eye view” of the same landscape in Tucson. Thanks again, Sunset!

            I am very confident your condo community could have an
eye appealing landscape that could save water and energy while not using more
than about 2 to 3 feet of water applied to your landscape per year. Lawns use
between 6 and 8 feet of water per year, 200 to 400% more.

This shows an irrigation layout for a minioasis design. The valves are isolated to three different watering zones; high, medium and low. This is how water is conserved while still making life comfortable in our hot desert climate. I am indebted to you, Sunset!

            Landscape water use should aim for between 650,000 to
975,000 gallons per acre per year. Some areas of the landscape, where people
are active, are more intensively planted and use more water while other areas
use less but the average should fall between these numbers.
            If you are currently using an amount of water that is
close to this and happy with how your landscape looks and performs, then do
nothing. You are doing a very good job in managing exterior water use.
            But if landscape water usage is considerably higher than
this, then consider re-landscaping the common areas. This can be done in stages
so the upfront cost is manageable.
             Most likely the irrigation
strategy used now in your condo community is giving landscape plants many small
“sips” of water rather than large gulps. It is not ideal but if it’s working
for you, and not cost-effective to make changes, then keep everything the same.
            Plant replacements should be planted during the coolest
times of the year and not during the heat. Designate someone to water these
plants with a hose about every 3 days after they are planted. After new growth
has begun, they can be turned over to the irrigation system.
            Seldom are there noticeable problems from watering plants
with too much water unless the applications are excessive. Excessive watering
causes plans to yellow and died during the heat.

            However, problems you
MIGHT see irrigating daily with tiny sips of water include plant leaves
scorching, plants dying back, large trees that blow over in strong winds and
excessively high water bills.

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