
Stay With Hot Weather Wine Grapes in Las Vegas

Q. I’m getting ready to
place an order for wine grape plants. Currently I have 25 plants that are 3+
years old. These consist of mainly Zinfandels and Cabernets with a few Merlots.
Can you give me any info on nurseries to deal with and type of plants I may

A. You can wait a bit to make a wine grape order unless you tell them not to ship until late February or March. I want to avoid freezes after planting.
Basically stick with the
so-called hot climate grapes. Summer Muscat is a good one for you. Others to
look at include Syrah (Shiraz), Petit Syrah, Barberra, Grenache, Sangiovese, Malbec,

Zinfandel growing in Las Vegas in trials 2007-2011
Pinot Noir growing in Las Vegas. Not a grape I would normally recommend here but I wanted it so I grew it and it did surprisingly well


Sauvignion Blanc growing in Las Vegas trials


Alicante Bouschet in veraison growing in Las Vegas trials. Another problem with hot weather is uneven ripening of the grapes due to hot weather and warm nights

Viognier to get you started. Look closely at Malbec if you like
Malbec wines. Syrah is always a good one for blending as well as Barberra, Grenache,
Merlot, Petit Syrah, Zinfandel and Primativo which some claim is a Zinfandel.

1 thought on “Stay With Hot Weather Wine Grapes in Las Vegas”

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