
Take Your Home Pest and Get Them Identified

Q. I spent days dealing with the green residue from a
summer of thousands of midge infestation. We live near a pond, not sure if that
is the reason for our problem. Wondering if they are in the plants in our yard
and if we could spray something to stop them before the warm weather comes back
in the spring. There are still a few holdouts even now.
A. I am curious about what you are calling “midges”. I know
the word, but this term does not tell me which insect it might be. Without
knowing exactly what this critter is makes it tough to understand what the effective
control might be. Their exact Latin name is not necessary, but I think you need
another set of eyes to identify them more accurately. There are some biological
and organic controls that might work if its more accurately identified and I
would hate to recommend a chemical spray if you don’t need it.

Proper Identification Leads to Using the Right Control Measure

some of these critters and put them in a jar with alcohol (clear vinegar will
work in a pinch) and take them to the State Department of Agriculture in Las
Vegas on East St. Louis. See if someone there has a more precise name for them.
Phone ahead of time at (702) 668-4590 and see if there is someone in the office
who might give you some ideas. While you’re at it, ask them what they would use
for control. They have access to the state Entomologist in Sparks, Nevada, but
it might take awhile to get it identified.
             Another place to take it is the Master
Gardener help desk. Call 702-257-5555 and take them a sample in a glass jar and
see if they can help get the right name for it and possible controls. Doesn’t
need to be the exact insect ID name but close enough so we are on the same page.
            Once you find out what it is and get
some ideas about how to control them, contact me again and let’s go from there.

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