
Tanglefoot and Plant Damage

Q. I recently purchased the
product Tanglefoot for ants around my
pomegranate tree however after reading the directions, it states not to use it
on fruit trees. Is it ok or should I get something else?
Tanglefoot used on Peach tree
A. Tanglefoot is a product that can be
applied to the trunks of trees and vines. It is like a petroleum jelly or “grease”
that stops insects from climbing the trunk with a sticky barrier they cannot
We have used Tanglefoot
on fruit trees with no problems. From the manufacturer, “Do not apply directly to young,
thin-barked trees or to bearing fruit or nut trees.”
Sometimes Tanglefoot
applied to the trunk can cause the trunk to overheat if it is in the sun and
scorch and girdle it. It can also prevent thin barked trees from
“breathing” through the holes or lenticels in wood that has not yet
formed bark.

It can be a problem for
young thin barked fruit trees, mostly the stone fruits. Apply to older fruit
trees per the label.

1 thought on “Tanglefoot and Plant Damage”

  1. 1. Applying Tanglefoot to a pomegranate shrub will be a pain. ALL pathways need to be either covered or removed to keep the ants from passing.If a single trunk tree, then not a problem.
    2. What possible harm are ants doing to warrant spending your time?

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