
The Birdsnest Mushrooms in Your Mulch – Kids Will Love Them!

Reader’s “pods found in the garden. All of these might nearly
fit on a quarter to give you a rough idea of their size.
Q. I figured I can’t let more than three months go by
without pestering you with a question! Attached are two photos of some mystery
pods I found in the garden when doing some clean up. One is with the pods
closed, and the second is with them open and with what appears to be small black
seeds. Any idea what this is?

A. These are not pods at all but what is called birds
nest mushrooms. These do look like tiny little pods with black seed like things
inside them. Like other mushrooms or saprophytic (feed off of dead things)
fungi they “feed” of off decaying organic matter in the soil. We can see these
fairly commonly in compost heaps, decaying mulches or other places where
organic waste is decomposing. They are interesting and kids love these little
Unopened or just opening “pods” of the reader

to worry about. They feed off of DEAD plants so no harm to living plants or
you. They are decomposers so they help to break down litter on or in the soil
after or during a warm wet period. I attached a fact sheet from Texas A and M
on this interesting form of plant life. I will post your pictures on my blog
for others to see them.

16 thoughts on “The Birdsnest Mushrooms in Your Mulch – Kids Will Love Them!”

  1. I discovered several of these clusters in my mulch today. We have had some heavy rains here in VA. Thank you for explaining what these are. They are pretty fascinating!

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