
Tree Leaning Due to Shade

Q. I recently moved into a home in Henderson and I have a
large back yard with about seven pine trees lining the property.  The
trees are spaced approximately 8 feet apart.  I am contemplating planting
fruit trees between the pines and once they reach maturity I would remove the
pine trees.  What do you think about this approach?

Tree growth of young tree due to shade

A. Fruit trees will need about 8 hours of full sun to
produce a goodly amount of fruit. If the trees are limited in light by the pine
trees then the amount of fruit produced is affected. If you can provide near
optimum light for the trees by leaving the pines then it should be fine. If the
pines are too large and too close together then the fruit trees will not do
well in these locations.

            If light
is restricted during part of the day they will tend to grow (lean) toward the
light. If most of the light is from above and shaded by trees early and
later in the day then they will tend to grow upright with narrower branch
angles and be less productive.
            If most
of the light is coming from the east, they will grow (lean) toward the east. If
light is from the west then they will grow toward the west. How light is
received early in their lives determines the branch angles and the tree’s
overall architecture. It is always best to give them as much free light,
evenly, throughout the day as possible. In other words, I would not do it.

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