
V Shaped Cross Marks on Tomato

Q. I have ‘Vee’ shaped cross marks on my tomatoes (especially
from Celebrity tomato) starting from the stem and reaching out and down about
1/4 the side.  I always thought these
were from lack of water but we try to give all extra water by letting the hose
end flood each for 5-10 minutes at least once a day in addition to drip
irrigation at 1am, 3am and 5am for 6 minutes each.
A. I think you either are explaining either “catfacing”
or “cracking” of the fruit. This is a surprise since Celebrity is known for its
lack of both and was developed with one of its intentions to reduce cracking.
Some of this type of prevention is by picking the right variety (Celebrity
should be one!) for growing and some is garden management.
Fruit cracking on Caspian Pink heirloom tomato

things I can think of contribute to cracking. Catfacing is a different issue. I
gave you a couple of links to look at to determine what  you might have. Cracking can be down the side
from the stem or around the circumference of the fruit.

things important in cracking are how well the tomato skin will expand without
breaking (cracking) and soil moisture. Try to water in the early moring hours
several hours before it gets hot.

cover the soil with a light mulch like straw to help slow down the loss of
water from the soil.
Radial cracks on Caspian Pink

            The last
thing is something that I think most people neglect. Good soil preparation at
the time of planting. If the soil is pretty heavy and not “fluffy” or what we
call “crumby” (like bread crumbs kind of crumby or a cake-like texture) the
roots of the plant will be forced to grow close to the soil surface.

            If the
majority of the roots are close to the surface where water is lost quickly
during the heat the plant will go into water stress (drought) very soon after
an irrigation. If the soil is prepared well so that it has a “crumby” structure
then plant roots are distributed through the soil so that it can take up more
water before it becomes water stressed.

from water stress to water abundance leads to expansion of the fruit and can
lead to splitting. Having enough foliage covering the fruit can also reduce
cracking so good canopy coverage of the fruit is important.
Topdressing with straw mulch

            So make
sure you soil is well prepared to a depth of at least 12 inches when planting
or plant in a raised bed with well prepared soil. Secondly, apply a surface
mulch no later than when the fruit begins to set.

water at the beginning of the day before it gets hot to reduce water stress.
Fourth, make sure the plants are healthy and have good foliage covering the
fruit. This means the right fertilizer at the time of planting and followup
monthly fertilizer applications when you see fruit setting and you are
harvesting. These are small applications of fertilizer or lightly foliar feed
in the early morning hours.

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