
7 thoughts on “Vegetable and Herb Planting Calendar for 36 N Latitude 2000 ft Elevation (Las Vegas)”

  1. Starting on page 4 it will state if it is from seed or transplants into the garden. But it does assume you know if the vegetable is grown normally from seed or transplant. So for instance all root crops like carrots, beets, etc. are all from seed. Beans, corn, peas, etc are grown from seed normally. Perhaps I should go back in and note that for those not sure.

  2. Let me see if I can publish it as a pdf file in a new posting. The problem I had was with the website (Issuu) that gave me the ability to post it in my blog. Many people complained to me in person (not on the blog) that they could not download it or they were being charged or had to sign up the site to get the document. I also use Scribd for the same purpose. Let me repost it from Scribd. But those of you who are having trouble HAVE TO TELL ME so I can make some changes. Please.

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