
Vegetable Planting Calendar for the Mojave Desert

Calendar of planting
(2000 foot (700m) elevation in Southern Nevada @ 36 deg N Lat.)
If closer to 3000 feet, delay planting 2 to 3 weeks in the
spring; plant earlier 2 to 3 weeks in the fall. If row crop covers are used,
planting can be 2 to 3 weeks earlier in the spring and 2 to 3 weeks later in
the fall on some vegetables. If hoophouses are used, planting can be four to
six weeks earlier in the spring and 4 to 6 weeks later in the fall. These are
approximate dates. Current weather conditions and soil temperatures must be
monitored for the exact timing.
Beets, broccoli as transplants, radish, Spinach, Swiss
chard, roasting garlic
Beets, broccoli as seed, broccoli as transplants, Brussels
sprouts, cabbage as transplants, carrots, sweet corn (later in the month),
kale, lettuce, onion sets, potato (later in the month), radish, spinach, Swiss
chard, turnip
Bush beans, broccoli seed, broccoli as transplants, brussels
sprouts, cabbage transplants, carrots, sweet corn, eggplant late in the month,
green beans, pole beans, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, onion sets, onions as
transplants, peppers late in the month, potatoes, radishes, spinach, Swiss
chard, tomato late in the month, turnip
sweet corn, cucumber, eggplant, green beans, pole beans,
melons late in the month, peppers, tomatoes, summer squash
cucumber, eggplant, melons, peppers, sweet potato, summer
sweet corn late in the month, green beans, pole beans,
beets, broccoli from seed, broccoli from transplants late in
the month, cabbage transplants late in the month, cauliflower transplants late
in the month, sweet corn early in the month, green beans, pole beans, spinach,
Swiss chard, winter squash at lower elevations
beets, broccoli from seed, broccoli from transplants,
cabbage transplants, cauliflower transplants, carrots, kale, lettuce late in
the month, spinach, Swiss chard
beets, broccoli from seed, broccoli from transplants,
cabbage transplants, cauliflower transplants, carrots, garlic, green beans,
pole beans, kohlrabi, lettuce, radish, spinach, Swiss chard, tomato
beets, broccoli from seed, broccoli transplants, carrots
early in the month, green beans, pole beans, onion seeds, peas, radish, turnip,
beets, broccoli from seed, green beans, pole beans, spinach,
Swiss chard

4 thoughts on “Vegetable Planting Calendar for the Mojave Desert”

  1. In the Las Vegas valley the elevation is right around 2000 ft. At the higher elevations such as Summerlin it should be adjusted slightly for the cooler elevations closer to 3000 ft. So, Yes, it generally works for Las Vegas and anywhere around that Latitude and elevation.

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