
Water Every Day and Still Not Enough

Q. I put four African
sumac trees in our backyard last September. I am watering them now every
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for 20 minutes. About two weeks ago the leaves
turned brown and fell off. If this continues will the tree lose all its leaves?

A. You can be watering
newly planted trees and they can be suffering from drought at the same time.
and boxed trees are grown in soils that are totally different from the soils in
the landscape. Container soils are looser and lighter than landscape soils.
these trees are planted, the soil is pushed in around the root ball and, if you
are lucky, the plants are watered in twice with a hose. A basin is placed
around the trees so they can be given additional water until they are
emitters are sometimes placed too far from the trunk and the water from the
emitters wets the landscape soil but it does not move into the root ball
because the soils are totally different from each other.
to correct this? Always, always, always water newly planted trees and shrubs
with water from a hose directed on top of the soil and at the base of the tree.
Never, never, never rely on an irrigation system by itself to deliver the water
where it is needed after an installation.
water with a hose twice a week. Supplement the water from the hose with your
irrigation system on the same days you water by hand. Select your irrigation
days and give the plants a rest (no applied water) for one or two days between

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