
What Caused Jalapeno Leaves to Be Stripped from My Plant.

Q. I went away for three days and when I returned all the
leaves were stripped from my jalapeño plants. Do you know what did this?
A. Leaves stripped from vegetable plants is usually
because of their tomato hornworm. Tomato hornworms are large caterpillars with
the spine sticking from their rump. They can come in a variety of colors but we
usually see green ones.
            They are
voracious eaters and can remove leaves from plants at an alarming rate. They
also leave behind a lot of large feces that could be confused with mice.
select only tender tissue and may leave behind more woody stems because they
are not as delectable. When plants are very young and tender, they will consume
the entire plant.
            You do
not see them during the day because they hide and come out to forage at dusk
and during the nighttime. To find them, go out at dusk with a flashlight or in
the early evening hours.
interesting way to find them is using a black light, the same way to find bark
scorpions. Hornworms shine with an eerie green iridescence under a black light.
plant will recover but you don’t have much time left for pepper production.
When leaves are removed this stimulates the plant to produce new leaves from
existing buds in the crotch or axil of the leaf. The problem is now the plant
will focus on producing new leaves first rather than flowers and fruit.
your plants from these creatures is easy to do by going out at night and
removing them by hand. Protect plants with sprays of Bt or Spinosad which are
considered organic controls. Just about any vegetable insecticide will control
them as well.

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