
When to Repot Lime and Lemon in Containers

Q. We have a Meyer lemon
and Bearss lime in clay pots. The pots are deteriorating and the trees should be
replanted into other pots. In the desert, what time of year is best to
transplant these trees into new containers?

A. Put fruit trees into
new pots in late Winter or the beginning of Spring. In our Las Vegas climate, this
would be from mid-January until sometime in February. Bearss lime is sensitive
to mild freezing temperatures. Myers lemon tolerates cold temperatures better.

Myers lemon grown in northern Afghanistan in protected houses for commercial sale

            If they are kept outside, wait until the coldest weather of
winter has passed before repotting them. Plants growing in containers or pots need
their soil “refreshed”, or the plant repotted, every 3 to 4 years to prevent a
slow decline in health.
            Replanting or repotting is not difficult if the
containers and plants are relatively small; the plant is gently eased from the
container, roots and soil around the edge of the root ball is shaved off, and
the plant placed back into the container with fresh soil or container mix
surrounding the rootball.
            If plants are large, the soil still needs to be refreshed
every few years. Perhaps one way is to auger vertical holes throughout the
rootball, while still in the container, and backfill these holes with new soil
            Auguring holes into the rootball damages plant roots but
the old container soil must be refreshed. Another method is removing the root
ball from the container, removing old soil with a strong stream of water,
pruning some of the roots and repotting it.

            Prune the top back when
finished to compensate for any root damage during repotting.

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